Saturday, June 14, 2008

Telawi Street Bistro, Bangsar~

So you think Malaysia is some food heaven, think again its also where drinks get their local touches. So i heard of a rumour that there was fantastic drinks in TSB or Telawi Street Bistro, Bangsar. Without hessitation i went to my doom blindly.

Right, so for the drinker out there, if you think you're macho or the point-man with your drinking buddies, you just have to try this. Imagine Vodka (which already gives u the burning sensation when u drink it) coupled with chili padi (a.k.a the baddass of Chillis). Yeah, i was suprised when i saw this and regretably after much pleading with my friend for me NOT to drink this i finally got the Balls to take one shot. And, it was a lethal one.. hahahah

Next is this juicy looking snake coupled with some whiskey in a bottle. I refused to drink this, apart from the whiskey i was really afraid that something might turn out wrong. Next maybe i`ll be turned into Snake Man or somethign ;)

Well, i did turn out into something or someone known as THE DRUNK. Hahah, months of fasting from drinking one shot of Chilli Padi from my lovely friend left me burning from the scalp down to my u know what when it comes to nature call. Am not being Sick or something but it does~
Well, at least now i could say i tried it and I`M THE MAN!!! hahahah...
Anyone of you who want to try it should drive down to TSB Bangsar one day. Besides the bar is also serves delicious food for dinner or deserts for supper.
I wanted so much to put my friend's cheeky face when she saw me with my reaction but i decided not to in order to sav myself from further torture from drinks she recommend.. haha ;) THKS SO MUCH SIM~!! >P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I tried this one, it's good but strong also