Thursday, May 29, 2008

Central Market

(blogspot keep resizing my images, dont seem to be able to put up a decent sized one)

I escaped from my busy schedule and set out the do some street photography. Though really really busy with my schedule i managed to step out to KL's Central Market which has been there since 1881.
A building full with history since the colonial times, now an art market or some might claim is where many gifted artists sell their work or arts there.
I personally prefer graffiti art, which i think they are totally interesting and colourful. Many of these artists are sadly still hidden in the dirt of gifted people which i think who might have a great potential doing 'proper' graffiti art. (not those racial, non-sensical ones)
The Government has announced that graffiti art will be banned in KL for vandalism reasons, and will set a venue where all graffiti artist can do what they do best ;)
Hence, i set myself out in seacrch for graffitis around Central Market before they are cleaned up.
Above is the only gigantic wall art i found but was parked with cars infront of them, so i guess i`ll have to go back for another shot one day.(if its still there)
More pictures to come, shot from central market.

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